north carolina has finally been called in this year's presidential election.
i am very proud to learn my home state has chosen the most qualified candidate for president in this election. the delayed result in NC was a bit anti-climatic. Barack Obama had already been named President-elect. but his victory here underscores the changing face of politics in north carolina, and the country as a whole.
regardless of politics, the election of Barack Obama gives us all reason to celebrate and hope again. i believe we have all been exhausted by the past ten years and are hungry for the kind of leadership that generates a feeling of hope in a world in crisis; the kind of leadership that inspires us all to be better people; the kind of leadership that engages us, not just out of fear, but by challenging us to participate in our own salvation and our own prosperity; the kind of leadership that has been absent in my lifetime...
the change we are witnessing today and the democracy we are continuing to evolve are not just words; the change we are witnessing has made it relevant to discuss and act out our dreams and desires with each other no matter our has made it cool to talk politics again, and in so doing, were learning we have a lot in the sincere words of our president elect, "something is happening in America; we are not as divided as our politics suggests; we are one people; we are one nation; and together, we will begin the next great chapter in America's story with three words that will ring from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea - Yes. We. Can."

asheville, nc has engaged us; it has challenged us. we have been inspired by the people we have met and the friends we've made. it has transformed our home, our lifestyles, our career, and our relationship to each other. it has allowed us to lead our lives with the enthusiasm of youth. it has fostered our imagination and allowed us to dream big. asheville has inspirited our family and roused us to get involved in our community. living in asheville has been nothing short of fulfilling...
i am very proud to have been a part of the north carolina community as america begins this next great chapter...however, it is now time for kate and i to engage in the next great chapter of our story...
so, it is with great celebration and adoration for our neighbors, and compassion for the ones we'll leave behind that i say...our work is done here. north carolina - Yes. We. Did.
dearest friends...we are moving back to new england.
for those of you who doubt our sincerity...i don't blame you. we've been squawking about a move like this for nearly two and half years. however, to back this up, i will say that we are under contract for a property in downtown marblehead, ma. furthermore, kate will be driving up there this tuesday to start settling in for the wintah...this bullshit's for real...i ain't kiddin'.
living in marblehead is still a couple of months off...after we close on the property, we are going to continue to lease it out to the current tenants until late spring. until then, we're moving to
rockport, ma in a little winter rental right off the beach, where chowda runs freely through municipal taps every second and third tuesday of the month, and "the most painted and photographed building in the world", Motif No 1, silently sits muse to...well...the most people in the world painting and photographing buildings.
kate will be back to collect her belongings (me and the mutts) for thanksgiving...and then..."goodbye porpoise spit"
we'll keep y'all posted...
isn't that "hello porpoise spit?" i think i know that restaurant and the young man enjoying the chowdah. dear kate and jamie - how exciting and wonderful for you. life by the sea again and at last! love ya! mom
Dear Jamie and Kate, I am always surprised with the speed of your decision making and then making it happen. We are so lucky having you back up north so we can visit more often. I spent many days in Rockport when I was painting. Love the place. Send pictures of the new house. Your my first blog experience. Love you both, Grandma
That is great news to hear you will be close by. I have thought about you two often and remembered your 3rd anniversary last week. How could I forget actually. Love you guys and I hope this means we get to see you. I miss the Rockport area. I use to go there often and take pictures. Actually, where don't I take pictures. ; ->
Travel safe and please keep in touch. (FYI: I am still at the same job so you can find me there.)
STAY IN ASHEVILLE....Property value around here hasn't been hit too hard by the economy but a Metsch or two moving back will surely cause a crash....
Question: Can you play a banjo on your front porch in Marblehead, or is there a town ordinance against it?
We are so pleased to hear your exciting news! When we visit our family in Maine, we will have to rendezvous for a hot toddy and a chit chat. Are you guys still up for swinging?
MMMMM still mulling it over and still sad. You two have made North Street what it is. Super cool. We will miss you.
BTW, you've been threatening to move back for 6 years not 2 and one half. :)
Please come visit. Please come to block parties.
Thank you for fixing up the posts so I could be part...
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