this all came about because kate had a job interview in early october. she had been voluntarily captaining Team U, the U is for Unemployed, since late june and felt the need to get a job. let's just say, by late september, i may have been helping her feel that way. so with a call back and an interview looming in the immediate future, kate cracked. "i don't want to work for somebody else's dream anymore", she exhausted.
then don't!!
she blew off her interview on friday, october 9th, and we signed a lease for the space that saturday the 10th. fast?...maybe. unplanned?...sort of. the kind of reckless decision making that landed us in north shore, ma a year ago?...perhaps. exactly what kate needed?...without a doubt!! now we just need to figure out what we'll sell.
so here we are, five weeks later...open for two weeks...and we're loving life. yeah, it's long hours. yeah, it's a lot of stress and financial headaches. but it's our stress and headaches...and we can do it in flip-flops...it's what kate always dreamt for.

we're having our Grand Opening Party on Monday, November 30th from 5pm-9pm. there will be free wine and tasty bites. and for all you facebookers and tweeters, check us out on facebook and twitter for more pictures of the shop. look up "roost salem" on facebook, and "roost_salem" on twitter. we'll try and be more active on this post. so much social media these days. it's like a full time job keeping it up with it all. here's how to find us offline:
roost ~ urban country design
40 front street
salem, ma 01970